Monday, August 18, 2008

Learn about Human Relations Development


1). What do you mean by human resource development?

Ans. Human resource development (HRD) is an organized learning experience aimed at matching the organizational need for human resource with the individual need for career growth and development.

According to Prof. T.V. Rao “HRD is a process in which the employees of an organization are continually helped in a planned way to: -

* Acquire capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or expected job.
* To develop organization culture where superior-subordinate relationships, teamwork and collaboration among different sub-units are strong and contribute to organizational wealth.”

2). What are the features of HRD?

Ans. The features of HRD are: -

* HRD is a planned and systematic approach to the development of people.

* It is a continuous process of developing competencies, motivation, dynamism and effectiveness of people.

* HRD is an interdisciplinary concept.

* HRD has both micro and macro aspects.

* HRD is a process not merely a set of mechanism and techniques.

3). Differentiate between human resource training development and HRD?


Basis Personnel Function HRD
Status It is an independent function with independent sub-functions. It is an integrated system consisting of inter-dependent sub systems.
Orientation It is a reactive and service function. It is a proactive function.
Aims It seeks to increase efficiency of people and administration. It seeks to develop the total organization and its culture.
Responsibility Personnel manager. All managers.

4). What are the objectives of HRD?

Ans. The objectives of HRD: -

* To develop capability of each employee as an individual.

* To develop capabilities of each individual in relation to his/her present and expected future roles.

* To develop the team spirit and functioning in every unit of an organization.

* To develop collaboration among different units of the organization.

* To develop healthy and cordial relations in the organization.

5). What are the needs of HRD in the organization?

Ans. HRD plays vital role in the success and growth of an organization in the following ways: -

* HRD improves communication system in the organization.

* HRD helps in procuring the right people at right time and in making their effective use.

* HRD provides an opportunity for continuous and all round growth of employees.

* HRD improves collaboration and team work.

* HRD improves capability of people.

* HRD generated a lot of useful data which facilitate human resource planning and control.

6). What are the qualities of HRD manager?

Ans. According to Rao, a successful HRD manager requires the following skills: -

1. Essential skills: -

o Positive thinking
o Helpful attitude
o Objectivity in approach
o Proactive
o Sense of discipline
o Interest in people

2. Functional competencies: -

o Knowledge of appraisal system
o Knowledge of role analysis, methods, team building interventions, job rotation etc.
o Knowledge of learning theories and personality development
o Ability to design and coordinate training programmes.
o Knowledge of career planning practices.

3. Managerial competencies: -

o Organizing ability
o Leadership ability
o Implementation skills
o System design and development skills.

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